• For Recruitment/HR related matter contact : 0755-2475608

Vision and Mission


MPMRCL, which can also be expanded as Most Promising and Most Reliable Commuting Link envisages augmenting the standard of living through Smart Transportation in Metro cities of Madhya Pradesh. "Time is Precious" hence we strive to save several million productive hours to make Madhya Pradesh grow faster.  



Our Mission is to

  • Establish a Safe, Reliable, Efficient and Affordable Mass Transport System in Metro cities of Madhya Pradesh.
  • Seamless Movement for the Elderly, Differently abled, Women and Children, this will also fulfill the cause of equal opportunity to all.
  • Conserve the rich Heritage, Natural Beauty and Bio Diversity, by making the project amicable with the city surrounding.
  • Maintain the Best Quality Standards prevalent in Industry and continuously trying to achieve new heights in Innovation and Technology.
  • Use various means to make the Project Environmentally and Financially Sustainable, by using principle of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. MPMRCL shall also use renewable energy like Solar, Wind etc. to meet up to our commitment towards Mother Earth.


Last Updated:25 Jan, 2022
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Bhopal Metro Rail Project Indore Metro Rail Project
Indore Metro Rail Project
Trial Run
Completed on
30 Sep. 2023

Indore Metro Rail Project

Bhopal Metro Rail Project
Trial Run
completed on
03 Oct 2023

Bhopal Metro Rail Project



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